Beauty for Ashes

Helping one Girl at a Time

About the Project

Beauty for Ashes is a project for girls who want to get an education at a trade-school, High School, or University, but they don't have financial possibilities.

Being part of this project, beneficaries recieve:

• Place to live; bed, shower, heat, and much more

• School supplies

• Help with clothes, jackets, shoes, as needed

• Assistance with school contracts/student fees

• 3 meals a day

• Medical assistance

• Assistance with documents

• After School Tutoring

• Round-the-clock surveillance and protection

for each girl

• 24/7 care givers

• Personal development

• Spiritual growth

• Healthy living environment

How can you help?

By financially partnering up with Mission Possible, you are ensuring every girl who is part of this project, goes to school and gets an education!

You have the opportunity to be Mom and Dad to these girls that come from the orphanage or from vulnerable families, and provide things the may have never had the opportunity to afford, such as food, medical care, school supplies, clothes, daily hygiene, legal documents, heat, a warm bed to sleep in, and so much more!

Support Beauty for Ashes!